Financial Information : Full Year Guidance

Full Year Guidance

August 9, 2024 Announcement

The Group’s operating environment will continue to require careful attention due to various factors such as fluctuations in exchange rates and the prices of raw materials and feedstock, global economic uncertainty, and unstable international political conditions.

Amid such an environment, the Group expects to achieve the following overall results by steadily implementing measures set out by the “2030 Long Term Strategic Aspiration.”

(Yen in billions)

2023 Results 2024 Guidance vs. PY (%)
Revenue(*1) 4,313.8 4,410.0 +2
Adjusted Operating Profit(*1)
Profit Attributable to
Owners of Parent(*2)
331.3 336.0 +1
- Continuing Operations 326.9 336.0 +3
- Discontinued Operations 4.4 - -
ROIC(*1) 8.7% 8.9% +0.2pp
ROE(*1) 10.4% 9.8% (0.5)pp
Exchange Rate USD/JPY ¥141 ¥146 +4
EUR/JPY ¥152 ¥157 +4
  1. Revenue, Adjusted operating profit, ROIC and ROE show figures for continuing operations.
  2. “Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent” in the 2024 projections include gain on sale of fixed assets (approx. 63 billion yen) .
    With utilizing this gain, we will execute the 2nd stage of restructuring & rebuilding for the areas remaining issues exposed from 21MBP.

(Notes concerning financial results forecasts)
Financial results forecasts are based on currently available information and contain risks and uncertainties. Please bear in mind, therefore, that the actual financial results may differ substantially from the current forecast due to the economic environment, market trends, and foreign exchange rates in the Group’s business domains going forward.

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  • ■Consolidated Financial Statements
  • ■Supplementary Information
  • ■Financial and Sales Data (Excel)
  • ■Summary of Financial Results
  • ■Financial Results Review Meeting